Tarus TPEXHGD412 Travelling Table Type CNC Gun Drill
Model: TPEXHGD412
Age: 1992
Ref#: 32703
Category: Drills, Gun
Heidenhain 530i CNC Control (Retrofit 2014):
Auxillary Spindle:
7.5 HP Spindle Drive:
Maximum Drilling Diameter: 1.5"
Minimum Drilling Diameter: .1875"
Table Size, T-Slotted: 60" x 144"
X-Axis Travel, Table: 144"
Y-Axis Travel, Vertical: 48"
W-Axis Travel, Spindle: 85"
Z-Axis Travel, Headstock: 20"
Z1-Axis Travel, Auxillary Spindle: 6"
Max. Spindle Speed: 2,500 RPM
Table Weight Capacity: 40,000 Lbs
Equipped With:
Heidenhain 530i CNC Control (Retrofit 2014)
Auxillary Spindle
7.5 HP Spindle Drive
Chip Conveyor
Magnetic Chucks and FCS Plate Not Available
Inspect in Plant Under Power
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